
The Royal Film Commission – Jordan launched Sardiyat Screenwriters’ Lab, a creative program aimed at enhancing the storytelling abilities of screenwriters, Jordanians and those residing in Jordan, and ultimately strengthening the quality of Jordanian feature films. This exclusive program is tailored for emerging Jordanian writers and writers residing in the country, focusing on their first full-length screenplay. What sets this lab apart is its laser focus on nurturing Jordanian talent, distinguishing it from broader regional ones. Conducted entirely in Arabic and located in a secluded location outside of Amman, the lab provides a creative environment and a close-knit community among participants.

Sardiyat Screenwriters’ Lab begins with the selection of the participating screenwriters by an independent selection committee. Following this, five mentors, experienced in Arab cinema, will be chosen to guide the selected participants during their writing retreat outside Amman. This pioneering lab promises to play a pivotal role in advancing the cinematic landscape in Jordan, offering early-stage Jordanian screenwriters a unique opportunity to elevate their storytelling skills with mentorship from accomplished Arab writers, ultimately opening doors for more original Jordanian narrative features on the big screen.