Followed by a discussion with the director
Cynthia Madanat Sharaiha, 90 minutes, Animation, Arabic with English subtitles, 2023.
After fleeing his war-torn town with his mother and two siblings, 9-year-old Saleem is now displaced, and forced to start life all over again. He is tormented by memories of the past and struggles to cope with the loss of his father. Now, faced with the ever-intimidating antics of the playground antagonists, Saleem struggles to find his footing. Things weren’t looking up for Saleem, but one morning, a mystical pigeon swoops into his life and uncovers what seems to be an old treasure map. Reluctant Saleem finds himself on the path of a new adventure! New friends Fares, Zeina and Abboud, rally around him, and together traverse the old town looking for the treasure. With a map for the journey, an anchor for clues, and a compass for direction, Saleem finds a treasure that he never knew he needed.
The film was a First Selection at the 2023 Annecy Festival, and a Second Selection at the Cartoons on the Bay – Pulcinella Awards in Italy on the same year.