How to Apply
Rawi Screenwriters Lab
Announcement section:
Call for Submissions: The Lab has started accepting applications for its 19th edition.
Submissions Deadline: By midnight of Monday, May 20th, 2024 (Jordan's Time).
Lab Days: November 28th – December 4th, 2024, in Jordan at Wadi Feynan.
- Complete feature narrative screenplay is required.
- Only Arab screenwriters, regardless of their country of residence, are eligible to apply.
- Independent screenwriters, co-writers or writers/directors can apply.
- Eligible applicants are those working on their first or second feature narrative screenplay.
- Rawi Alumni are not eligible to apply.
Application requirements: (all to be submitted through the form)
-Cover letter: Introducing yourself and your project (max 500 words).
There are no strict requirements for this letter, except that, ideally, we would like to have an idea of who you are, what is your script about, and how do you think the lab will help you. e.g.: why are you applying to the Lab? Are you collaborating with a co-writer or a director on the project? Do you intend to direct the project? What is the status of the project at the stage of submission?
-Complete feature narrative screenplay: must include a title page with the project title, name of the writer as well as the project registration number
-Logline: a one to two sentences description of the project (max 75 words).
-Synopsis: a brief summary of your script’s plot, the main characters, key story points, including the ending (max 500 words).
-Filmmaker’s statement: description of your vision and creative approach to the project and why you want to tell this story (max 500 words).
-Screenwriter’s biography: in paragraph format and not CV or filmography (max 350 words).
-Online links of your previous works: short, feature or documentary film, and you don’t have to be the main writer or director. All previous works submitted must have English subtitles.
Important note:
Screenplays submitted in Arabic will only be accepted initially, given that an English translation is provided once requested by the Rawi team.
This however does not apply to the remaining application material which must be submitted in English from the beginning.
Additionally, all submitted previous works must have English subtitles.
This is because members of the selection committee and the Lab’s Creative Advisors do not all speak Arabic, as the Lab always aims to collaborate with readers and advisors not only from the Arab region, but also from all around the world, in order to ensure that submitted projects are being reviewed from different perspectives, and fellows are receiving diverse feedback.
For more information about the application, please visit Rawi FAQ or contact us at: [email protected]